We provide an excellent after school program that serves children from Kindergarten through 6th Grade in a balanced and structured program. Students participate in age‐appropriate activities that are designed to encourage and promote positive values, social skills, independent thinking and creativity.
Qualified staff members ensure that children are engaged and focused. The components of the program include nutritional snacks, homework help, gross motor activities and arts education.
Payment Schedule
Tuition payments are due on the Friday before services are given. Payments made after Tuesday will incur a late fee of $15.00. No Exceptions! If any account is past due for two days child will lose his/her space at our school. We will also send your account to our collections agency. We are licensed to operate on specific teacher/child ratios. This means we cannot give refunds, discounts or credits for holidays, teacher planning days, vacations or absences.
Payment methods are: Cash and Check/money orders. If check is returned due to insufficient funds there will be an additional $35.00 fee.
Tuition Fee includes: Transportation, Homework help, one dance class and Karate class per week.
Late Pick Up
If an emergency should occur that you cannot pick up your child on time a late pick-up fee will be charged. Fee will begin after 7:00pm and it will be $1.00 per minute per child. We close at 7:00pm sharp there will be NO Exception on late fees
Fees and Financial Policies
Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Receipt of these fees confirms your decision to enroll your child at our school. This also reserves your child's space in our facility.